Monday, October 21, 2013

The first step is the hardest

Or at least that is what I am hoping for.  I've never been good with following patterns.   For the most part I see the general idea of the project and just wing it and for the most part I've failed miserably.   "Who needs interfacing, I mean really?  I bet I don't." Yeah there is a reason why patterns call for it, why there are different varieties of it, and if a pattern calls for it use it. 

Why I decided making a costume would be easier and cheaper than buying one I'll never know because in the long run it has been more expensive and time consuming than going to a store and grabbing something would have been.  That being said I know that this costume will last and if I happen to lose more weight (fingers crossed) I could alter this one to fit since I've made it and know how it was constructed.   Now here is to hoping I can finish the second part of it this week so I can wear it on Saturday!

Thankfully with my lack of experience with patterns and making clothing I was able to find a great tutorial online for the exact pattern I had bought. Seriously if it weren't for that YouTube video I don't know how I would have been able to finish the dress and it actually end up looking halfway decent. The dress alone came out decent enough I would wear it for more things than Snow White in the enchanted forest ... like Ice Skating Princess, expensive harlet from a beer tavern, lady kidnapped by pirates, Maria Antoinette post beheading, and I'm sure I could come up with more concepts. 

The dress
I decided to add some embroidery

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