Friday, September 13, 2013


As mentioned earlier I haven't had much time nor real ability to make anything more to sell on etsy but I have been working on gifts for people.   Yesterday was a dear friend's birthday and so I made her a little something for her special day.  Like me she has a fondness for blue (ice blue being her favorite) and a first name that begins with S so making her present was one of the easiet things for me to do.  The entire process was a breeze and took very little thought because instinctually I knew what to do because it was pleasing to my eye  instead of being caught up in what others might think looked good ... it pays to have friends with similar taste (especially when they clean out their closets ;)).  So though I was all "I wanna keep it" I was able to part with the little pillow and seeing her smile when she opened it was well worth the time it took to sew it. 

Happy Birthday Shana! You have one of the brightest and sweetest hearts and are a great friend. Many blessings and wishes to you, my dear friend!

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