This past weekend I went to visit my family in Nashville and as my ma was cleaning up from the delicious brunch she prepared she looked directly at me and said "If anyone wants to know what I want for the holidays it is pot holders" as she waved a burnt one in the air. My ma, the main reason I think present should be not only thoughtful but also useful. I've never made a pot holder, I'm still new to sewing but it seemed simple enough ... like mini quilts. So last night I sat down at my sewing machine in hopes to come up with a design that was not only beautiful but also practical. In turn I ended up with two practice pot holders before my sewing machine once again decided it hated me ... having a machine make a horrible noise after sewing only for a few hours after every time you get it repaired makes it extremely hard to save money in order to purchase a better sewing machine. But I digress. Both practice pot holders were very similar, minus the quilting, and the third I was in the middle of before the grinding noise and the massive knot ball that the bobbin made started I was going to try something else all together ... sadly it will be a while before I am able to see if that prototype is good. The two that I completed aren't good, in fact I need some serious practice on my binding via machine largely due to corners but for a first time go at it I don't think they are too horrible, I mean if an elementary student made them that is.

The yellow was my first and it is by far the saddest looking thing up close because the binding is way too big and the corners on the binding are all bunched up and super thick and just not good. The blue one I did a much better job on because the fabric wasn't nearly as thick and the binding I made a half inch smaller but the corners again are bunched up and it just isn't perfect ... we are our own worst critics. But needless to say I do adore how the quilting on the blue one turned out, especially since that was my first attempt at machine quilting.
And this is exactly why the internet is the crafter's best friend ... next time I decide "I can do that" I should probably google "how to" before I just sit down and decide to wing it!
At least with my sewing machine once again being broken I have plenty of time to spend embroidering and coming up with new designs in hopes to finally put something up for sale on my Etsy page. Thankfully I have plenty of embroidery floss to go through and organize and sew with.
It truly is amazing what you can find in a giant box of fabric and thread from the Thrift Store that only cost $2.50! There are over 50 colors of floss to choose from ... what would you make with such variety?
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