My brother-in-law requested an apron for the holidays and since he even drew up exactly what he wanted I see absolutely no harm in posting a picture of that ... though I did add some personal touches and flair to the apron that were not requested (I've got a problem with wanting little details in the things I make ... it is a good problem to have though.)
This was quite the learning experience for me because I've never really sewn on a machine with denim. Sure I've made purses and water bottle holders from old jeans but that was when I was all about sewing by hand; connecting with what I was making and blooding my thumbs to the point of frustration simply because the sewing machine scared me. At least I now know that denim and french seams do NOT splice! But this did end up being the biggest apron I've made and I won't lie when I tried it on I totally felt like I was 3 again trying on my dad's coveralls.
Not only did I get some sewing done but I also taught myself a new craft. For quite some time now I've wanted to learn how to crochet and since I was all sickly and snuggled up on the couch why not at least be productive?! So I set out with the one crochet hook I some how ended up with and a thing of yarn I bought when I was all "I can knit with a loom" and went to town. Armed with a book my grandmother gave that was published in 1978 a chain stitch was simple to learn but as you can imagine everything after that just didn't make a lick of sense to me. Of course I was way too lazy to get on the YouTube to see if I could find a great tutorial for the super visual learner so I just wung it ... one day I'm going to realize that 9 times out of 10 that doesn't yield the best results.